Our volunteers are making a difference.
Volunteers of Beauregard Christian Women’s Job Corps® are making an investment in the lives of women and their families. We know the time, energy and resources we give will not return void. A mentor stated, “I came with the attitude of giving but instead I am the receiver.”
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer in our program, please call 337-463-4451.
Here are some ways you can volunteer...
Prayer Warrior
Prayer warriors receive periodic prayer requests and updates.
Women serve as mentors and play a very important role in the life of a participant as they serve as an encourager, confidante, and resource person.
Bible Study Leader
A Bible study leader meets with participants weekly for a one-hour nondenominational Bible study.
Teachers lead or facilitate classes in our spring and fall sessions. Learn more about the classes we offer.
We are currently looking for:
Teachers, Education Coordinator, Lunch Coordinator, Mentors
Lunch providers
Provide a meal for 10-12 people at least once a semester (or as often as you are able).
Board Members
Individuals who are willing to work on our board of directors.
Businesses, groups, and individuals can help too!
There are lots of ways your business or organization can help our participants. Here are a few ideas:
Childcare and Transportation
Adopt a BCWJC participant, providing childcare and/or transportation if needed.
Driver's Education
Provide a scholarship for driver’s education for a participant.
Professional Assistance
Offer your professional services pro bono for dental work, legal advice or other assistance.
- Provide one week of on-the-job training (without pay)
- Take part in a roundtable discussion with participants
- Sponsor a fundraising event
- Hire a BCWJC graduate